We need more spaces for food security, here I am learning how to establish and manage them! join me to the journey of Urban Farming Course I am taking at Ceres !

Presential activities are for what we are made in this planet, definitely personal connections and interaction with nature, is why we are on Earth. I really appreciate online spaces, but I have to say, I am delighted to do the Urban Farming at Ceres course, learn about the projects of my classmates, share the passion for growing food with other humans, and listen to their experiences and life stories, this is the sprinkle of colors for the theory that comes to fill many spaces that I had regarding specific topics on urban gardens.
The facilitator of this course is Justin Calverley, author of "The Urban Farmer" book, the bible of this lectures, seriously recommended. In this session we check soil and compost and at Ceres, because they have a collection of composting containers and different ways to harvest the goodies.

Justin always said: "ask to understand how it works, and keep it simple!" That's my view of gardening: is a lot of connection with what we want, creativity and experimentation. But if you have a worm farm, always keep your worms happy!!! Enjoy my illustration about worm care! During the class, we named 2 worms: Trevor and Arthur, of course, I included them in the art, spot them!.

I am doing this cause supported by Raw Australia (www.raw-australia.com), after almost one year volunteering and from 2023 redesigning and working in the frontyard to developed an Urban Farm, this is the course will gave me more skills to manage the beautiful spaces RAW Community is bringing alive: RAW Urban Farm, come an visit us, our next activity is a Cacao Ceremony on August 17th, feel free to stay with us longer if you want to garden, we will have a working bee session after our beautiful event for deep connection.
