During this june we harvested a pumpkin was growing up high on a lemon tree, here the story about the wisdom that come to our plates this weekend.

Pumpkins are summer crop, and is in fact -suprisly- a fruit!. At Garden Wisdom, we leave the seasonal plants to live their entire lifetime, we usually remove them when the plant dies. Well, this pumpkin refused to die in the cold and grew in the fall-winter, on the tree, we only discovered it when we were cleaning the vines for the change of season.
By then we left that plant and other pumpkins that continued to grow in the fall. This one, was very special and surprising, finding it, enjoying it's journey in the middle of the lemons, looking at the sky from above, in a space that is somber and cold, being and becoming whatever wants to be, far away from the others.

It makes me think when we feel like we need our space, stillness, solitude to listen to our thoughts to develop our maturity, evolve in who we want to be, free of prejudices and social pressures, in this case, what a pumpkin should look like and who it should hang out with. This pumpkin teaches me emotional maturity and I would like to tell the universe how gratefull I am to have this gorgeous energy in my life.

This pumpkin knew what it needed to grow, it looked for it and it grew there until it was completely mature, when we took it out it weighed 6.3 kilos. I remember that Dan and little Jack came with Alex and that day, Karen said to little Jack, 7 years old, if he wanted to harvest it. Of course he said yes, and he climbed onto his dad's shoulders and Dan helped him to cut the pumpkin.

We were all making sure that The Aerial pumpkin didn't fall to the ground, but it was super comfortable up there, well supported on the branches. Dan and Jack took the pumpkin and we weighed it. We were all around the scale curious about when it would weigh and we even played guessing the weight. 6.3 kilos! welcome to our Homesteading life "Mr. Aereal".

Two months later, being one of the last pumpkins left of the season, this Sunday we cooked it. Karen prepared a pumpkin and broccoli frittata, look how beautiful it looks!!!.

We used the seasonal fresh broccoli that is already flowering, we ate it with dips prepared at home and a salad with fresh greens from the garden full of seasonal flowers, calenduala, nasturtiums, and cilantro flowers. Cooking is creativity and art in action, it is beauty and dedication.

This path to homesteading brings me moments of admiration where time stops and my heart beats strong. Food should be nutritional and accessible. Food should be a priority in our routine. If the system of life we lead does not allow us to cook our own food, it is wrong, it is a system that I do not want to support. I invite you to identify which system you would like to live in. For me it is one where we live more connected to nature, with our food, and a system we have health and abundance for everyone.
I acknoledge all the stories enrich our path on Earth. Thanks Mr. Aereo for be part of our life trough Pumpkin soup, curry-pumpkin dip - roasted pumpikin - pumpkin fritatta. Thanks fot those 6.3 kilos of love, that warm up our winter! Thanks Karen for be such a passionate and organised gardener and cooker!.
Let's keep gardening to change the world!
Ninna Mar